Auto Financing

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Used Car Financing

Welcome to Auto 8000 Wholesaler & Services Inc.’s finance department, our ultimate strength and expertise. With over 20 years of established success, our finance team have helped many individuals with different finance needs. We provide used vehicle financing for customers with good, bad, no credit or new credit (new to the country with landed and non-landed status), bankrupt, consumer proposal, collections, and other challenges such as cash, disability, and self-employed incomes. No matter what your situation is, we will exhaust all our options to make sure you’re in the vehicle you’re looking for. Most importantly, we customize each financing solution to cater and meet to each and every individual’s unique needs and situation.
To top it off, we usually do not settle right away with what the financing company approves you with. We always negotiate to obtain the lowest possible rate for your credit situation.

Good Credit

Why should you seek for our financing services if you have good credit? Typically, these types of credit customers would have no issues getting approved at their own financial institutions. However, our dealer bank interest rates are almost always lower than the auto loan rates offered at the financial institutions. Additionally, credit is not the only criteria used by lenders to assess an application. Your income as well as your monthly expenses and debt obligations are all utilized into the equation. TDSR (total debt service ratio) and LTV (loan to value) are other criteria that will be used to determine the outcome of an application. Therefore, even with good credit, an application may be turned down. With the tools, knowledge, and experience, we fully assess your complete financial situation prior to submitting an application. To maximize your chances of approval, we will make recommendations in whichever criteria that is weak, so that we can present your application in the strongest possible way. Our aim is to get you approved within one submission, and maximum two for rates and/or term comparison. This will help protect your credit from multiple enquiries, and minimize the decrease of your beacon score. Our goal is to not only approve you, but also preserve and improve your credit when given the opportunity.
With our extensive networking of many different A and B lenders, we offer bank comparable interest rates for applicants with good credit who are turned down from the banks.

Bad Credit

Bad Credit has such a wide range, and many customers have an unclear knowledge of what their actual credit status is. Most often, it may turn out that it is not as bad as the customer expected. In rare occasions, it can be approved by the bank at prime rates.
Therefore, Auto 8000 finance department is the resource to seek for. We will approve you, regardless of the severity of your credit, for the vehicle that you are looking for pertaining to your specific needs within your budget.
In addition to approving you, we will educate, advise, and help you rebuild your credit. Bad credit will not stay with you if you take action now to repair it. Call us today!

New Credit

New credit are customers with some, but very minimal or limited of established credit. These may include customers who are new to the country with landed and non-landed status, and young buyers who are at the start of their credit history. Depending on how much has already been established, typically we can approve new credit at reasonable interest rates, and sometimes even low bank prime rates. Keep in mind that obtaining an auto loan will definitely be one the best and fastest way to further establish your credit history.

No Credit

No credit applicants have no beacon score, and have never had nor applied for credit in their name. Having no credit at all may have an advantage. Please call us today for a free consultation on how to get approved!

Bankruptcy / Consumer Proposal

Many customers have a misconception that if they are in the middle or have filed for bankruptcy or consumer proposal in the past, they will not be able to get financing. It is actually the contrary. Most B lenders now favour these applications, because these customers are or will be free and clear of debts once they are discharged. They do recognize and take into consideration of life’s financial downfalls during misfortunes such as job loss, divorce, disability, and etc. Therefore, we can almost always approve these types of applications, whether you are discharged or not as of yet. Whether you’re making your first trustee monthly payment, have a few payments left, or have already been discharged, we have a financing solution for you. Our finance experts will share with you tips and advices on your specific circumstances. Please call us today or simply fill out our online application. Our finance team have vast knowledge and experience in this field, and will definitely be of quality service to you!


Collections are debts that been written off (non-collectible from the creditor) and/or debts referred to a third-party collection agency. Depending on the type, amount, and date, customers with collections can almost always get approved with us. Regardless of your circumstance, we can get you approved for a loan within your budget according to your credit and finance situation.

Cash / Disability / Self-Employed Incomes

Many consumers who have cash, disability, and self-employed incomes, are reluctant to finance a vehicle, because they fear they will not be able to get approved. We at Auto 8000, are connected to many variety of lenders who do accept these sources of incomes. Every individual application is unique, so we will be flexible; and we will work with you closely to make sure you get the best possible solution that meet your specific needs. Please do not hesitate to put in your application today. We are here to help you!

Credit Rebuilding & Refinancing

At Auto 8000, our goal is to build a long-term relationship with our customers. Our service does not stop at approving you for financing and end at selling you a vehicle. For credit-challenged, no credit or new credit customers, our financing team are here to help you secure a loan that will be beneficial for your credit history in the near future.
We will give you tips and advices on how to build your new credit, and re-establish your existing and/or past credit issues. If you are currently in a car loan at a high interest rate, we can re-finance you to get you into a new loan at a lower interest rate.

For a free consultation, please call us today at (905) 678-7888!